Friday, August 30, 2024

Fields of Vineyards

 'I am the true vine and my Father is the vine-grower. He removes every branch in me that bears no  fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit'. John 15:1-2

In driving past  'fields of vineyards' I was drawn to stop and pause, to just sit and look because I was suddenly engulfed with the words of John, 'I am the  true vine .' It's a real God moment when that happens. And what struck me in this moment was that there was something different about the vineyard today. Through the soft morning mist there was a sense of order and freshness, like an expectation, a waiting. The vines were trimmed, pruned and tidied, stripped of all the unwanted branches and the undergrowth with the rows of grasses and weeds freshly mown and there was a wonderful look of improvement, of having been 'tidied up ' and I knew the vine-grower had been and away across the fields I could see the worker in the next vineyard, pruning, trimming, and cutting and there was a sense of preparation.

Isn't it wonderful when the gospel leaps out at you in daily life?

Jehovah - shalom. The Lord is peace.    Anne, servant of the Lord.

Pruned to make more fruit.