Friday, May 26, 2023


 God has given you rest. Deut 25:19

It is so lovely to have a retreat day away from the business of life. To step out of the normal and create something different. Its so life giving and refreshing. This was the experience when I walked along a beach recently looking at the long sweep of the beach, watching rock pools form ,  listening to the sounds of the sea gulls, the waves rolling onto the sand and the wind bringing in the lovely smell of sea air. The sights, the sounds, and the smells took me into a different realm - one of peace and calm.  I read these lines from Ainslie Mears. 'Its all about on the mountain top, in the deep of the forest, on the curving sweep on a lonely beach and kneeling in the cool crispness of summers night.'

Do it. Take a day to visit your special place and you will find your sacred space is there, waiting.

Jehovah - Shalom. The Lord is peace.   Anne, servant of the Lord

                                            Watching rock pools form