Friday, February 10, 2023

A soft morning

 Let my prayer stand before you like incense. Psalm 141:3

It was, as the Irish say, a soft morning with a mist hovering over all of the gardens and lawns and down into the little gully beside the house and it did have a 'soft' feel about it. I stood in wonder at the mystery of it filled with  the haunting sound of the Currawongs calling to one another.  They were the first bird call I heard this morning even before I was out of bed. I love this part of the day dressed in silence (except for those Currawongs!) and stillness, before thoughts of the days tasks have an opportunity to crowd my mind. It's a wonderful time to connect with God and lay the day before him. Annie Dillard wrote: 'If I am lucky I might be jogged awake by a bird call. This morning it was the wood duck.' We are lucky to be woken to the quiet mystery of the day that has no sign of the wailing of earthquake victims or war ravaged villages. Is it luck or is it that we are here in this place to hold up the suffering, the frightened, the devastated, in our prayers?

Peace to those who are far off and peace to those who are near.   Anne, servant of the Lord.