I will draw water from the wells of salvation. Isa 12:3
It was in great wonder that I stood and looked at the massive Eucalyptus trees in the very dry, sandy Todd River bed and wondered when they had last drunk from the deep waters. Their trunks were well above the sand and their massive exposed roots held them together, stopping them from toppling over yet when I put my ear to their trunk I could hear the rushing of water going up and into every branch, nourishing the entire tree from deep, deep down in the earth. Oh it reminded me so much of how our deep roots go into the love of Christ who nourishes us with the living water of Jesus. Even in times of spiritual dryness, that living water is still there holding us up. If our roots are well imbedded in Christ we can stand strong in all circumstances.
May the peace of God fill your life every single day. Anne, servant of the Lord.