We love thy place O God, wherein thine honour dwells; the joy of thine abode all earthly joy excels. (hymn by William Bullock 1854)
That's how I think of the sacred space where I go to be, just to be, and open the door of my heart and mind and love to the waiting God. With my cup of tea in hand I was just sitting quietly thinking just you and me God, just you and me, and then God gave me a little nudge and said what about the sparrow, what about the butterfly, what about the ladybird and all my messages they hold, to say nothing of all of God's creation about me.(and blow me down yesterday if it wasn't a very large possum scurrying past) I wonder do they pray to God also in this special place? I know the birds do for they are the first to call in the new day with song (what a lesson we can learn from them!) I wonder how you see your sacred space? Is it just you and God or are others sharing it with you as gifts and insights into the wonder of God?
I love thy place O God where in thine honour dwells; the joy of thine abode and all earthly joy excels.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Anne, servant of the Lord
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