May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him. Romans 15:13
What was the delight you captured on your hours walk today and brought home as a memory? I find I am seeing and savouring more detail. I see beauty like the deep purple clump of violets gone wild in the grass near the walkway that I had only briefly seen in passing before but never pondered on the how or the why of their presence there. I captured the bright, ever so bright red of the front of the King Parrots chest, so brilliant red, and it matched the brilliance of his green back when he turned about. That memory was imprinted in me for the rest of my walk home. Ah such beauty from a wonderful creator. My gifts to bring home from my walk.
I read this quote: Watch windflowers dance in the breeze for a moment of pure joy.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.