Monday, August 27, 2018

Messages of blessings

In you I trust, O my God. Psalm 25:2
I love it when I have a day at home. Whatever I do with it I encounter many blessings. Blessings of rest,of friends, of quiet walking and lazy reading. Its a time of 'catching up' with myself. It allows space to reflect and to garden. I stopped in a moment of awareness as I was gardening. It was striking....the deep,deep green of the moss growing through the cracks in the brick paving and as I turned over  the leafy mulch on the garden bed it exposed clustered tips of the new growth of spring bulbs, revealing their intention to burst out of the darkness into the daylight, into their full glory. And the buds on the Japonica bush are threatening to do likewise. The gifts from God. The hand of God, in the seasons of life. In the seasons of our life. Full of messages of blessings, reassurance and hope.
 Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord 

Some just cant wait to blossom