Monday, March 6, 2017

it gives off joy and memory.

Glorious things of you are spoken. (Christian hymn) 
Many things give us joy in life if we can just see God in all. Today held a special blessing as I looked onto it and saw the many new blooms of the roses in their second flush for the season each arrayed in its own glorious colour and wearing a perfume that gives off joy and memory. But the blessing that even topped that was just beyond the leaves of the heavenly perfumed roses. It presented first as the tiniest splash of blue - two tone blue-deep and light - and as I looked a little head became visible and a trill rose from deep within its tiny mouth. No words, just a sweet trill - glorious, lovely,special - and there it was in full view, a  blue wren gathering the blessings of his day from among the rose leaves . I thought, no matter what may be on our heart when we get up, nothing could dispel the blessings of God given for us at its start. Even if it was a fleeting blessing, it will remain  regardless of the days events.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.