Friday, December 18, 2015

Playing with Jesus

'I love to tell the story of Jesus and his love.' (Sunday School song)
Sharing the story of Jesus and his love leaves us wondering at times if that sits and stays with those we share. Sometimes we see the fruit of it, sometimes we don't but we know that a seed sown in faith and prayer will eventually grow. I saw that seed growing this week and it was a humbling blessing. It came through my youngest grandchild, only three years old. 'As he came through my front door for a visit he saw the nativity scenes I had on display near the Christmas tree. He paused and then in realization

of what he was looking at he proclaimed. 'O Nan. Can I play with Jesus?'   My prayer is that through out his life he will want to 'play with Jesus' that he will want to be in his company and he will know the great benefits of that relationship.  Make sharing Jesus be a real goal this Christmas.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.