Friday, November 13, 2015

therein lies the treasure

The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding. Philippians 4:7

Did you unwrap the gift of this morning?  What does it look like in your place? When I took off the layers of sleep I saw the beauty of the gift. It was rain soaked and refreshed. Tiny drops of water bubbles hung on the deep red flowers of the bottle brush and several  honey eaters were delighting in their morning fix of honey, their  wings wet from those bubbles of rain drops. I watch them a moment, their curved thin beak reaching deep into the flower for their gift of this day.  The mountains have a veil of misty rain covering them, a sign of more to come my way.The pond is alive with the sound of so many frogs that seemed to croak and squeak and peep in tune with the call of the early morning birds and there he was, the treasure of them all for me, the bright blue fairy wren. Some say its to hard to see the gift of the day because the wrapping of pain and suffering, dysfunction and loneliness is just too hard to remove but O,  when you do work through the layers what joy, what delight to find God's gifts, especially the one labeled peace, the peace that comes from God..
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord