Monday, May 12, 2014


Mat 26:36. Sit here while I go over there and pray.
I love that word 'pilgrimage.' Its a word that takes you on an adventure the moment you think it or say it no matter where you are heading. I go on a pilgrimage daily, sometimes several times a day, when I look at the pond across from my home. I can journey there and reflect and ponder and dwell and stay, for as long as I want, in fact, its often hard to pull myself away. There are, at the pond, countless moments of pure delight, beautiful red rumped grass parrots, the cheeky willy wag tail, blue wrens, flighty finches,wood ducks, frogs,dragonflies, reeds growing straight and tall housing shelter and places of nesting.. There is often a filtering of soft mist, mysterious and inviting.There is stillness and  quiet but most of all in the beauty and stillness there is God and isn't that what a pilgrimage is about, a place to go, reflect, cast off your cares, and see and seek and find God.Where is your favourite place of pilgrimage?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne,servant of the Lord