Monday, July 2, 2012

 '.........and who is my neighbour' Luke 10 29

We all know the saying  sometimes we cant' see the trees for the woods.  Well sometimes we cant see Christ for looking also.
In a busy, frantic moment in the day when all seemed to be getting away from me and I was focused on achieving, a woman wanted to disrupt me.Just a moment, was my response on several occassions.  She is a lady with a disabilty, profoundly stooped over and rearly sees more than what is on the ground below her stoop.
Finaly I stopped to hear what it was she wanted .'I just want to say that I pray for you every day.' she said.  Suddenly my world stopped as I was overwhelmed with this rich blessing from God. It was as if Christ himself spoke the words.
 Neighbourlinees: a sacred gift in a torn world.(S.Kennedy)

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.