' This is the day that the Lord has made..................let us rejoice and be glad in it.' Ps 118:24
There are days when we feel that the last thing we want to do is rejoice. Sometimes we feel discouraged, sometimes we feel things are out of hand. The writer of this psalm obviously felt likewise at times and he too was a follower of God.
However, as the psalmist talked to God in prayer the psalm always ended in praise. Now doesn't that say something? As the psalmist, on a day of not wanting to rejoice talked to the Lord he then ended up in praise.
Be honest with God
If you don't feel like rejoicing, say so and it can almost be guaranteed that you will end up with praise on your lips before the day is ended.
God has given us this day to live and to serve him...........be glad.
(Lessin) New day, new needs, new mercies, one faithful, loving, caring God in the midst of it all!
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.