Friday, March 18, 2011


' He said to his disciples.' The harvest is great , but the workers are so few. 'So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest: ask him to send out more workers to his fields'. Matthew 10:37-38
The summer gave us rains like we haven't seen for a long time and the growth of the grass was just amazing, in fact so strong that it caused verges and parkways to be overgrown and visibility limited, the place looked a mess.. There was a backlash at the local Government about not enough workers to keep up with the task, to reach the places that were becoming weed infested.
When I was out walking it was just coming on dawn and three tractors mowers passed me, lights shining bright, driven by men who looked like they were on a mission! They were on their way to cut back the overgrowth of grass in the area I live.
In our 'broken and cracked' world today there is a great need for more harvesters. Harvesters prepared to go out amongst the 'overgrowth' of the lost and take the Good News of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Go well as you yourself transofom lives today, in the name of Christ.