' He is risen........Alleluia!'
How magnificent to worship a living God.
I have spent several days this week in the Ignatian Spirituality Centre in Kew, Melbourne, where I have been attending a conference. All about me within the centre is the Ignatian spirituality expressed in art and many crucifixes in various shapes and forms decorate the walls. Every time I looked at one of the crucifixes I found myself reflecting on the suffering of Christ on Good Friday
.........and it wasn't until I saw, standing all alone, a large plain wooden cross.......empty of the Christ ..............that I had a great sense of freedom and liberation.
I thought of the promises Jesus made:
'I will never leave you.'
'I will rise.'
'This promise is for you and for your children.'
God has done what he promised.
You can almost see Jesus standing outside the tomb fist punching the air and voice shouting an almighty 'YES!"
Its so true isn't it that the resurrection of Christ is the AMEN to all his promises.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ