Friday, November 27, 2009

blessed are the pure in heart

' Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see our God.' TIS 448
I was at the Lodge with about forty students and their parents from the school and it was a wonderful day for them all as they played and socialised in the grounds of the Prime Ministers Home. Two things struck me in a profound way.
The PM and his wife came and mingled amongst us and chattered. No fan fare, no media, no calling to attention., no hype......And, a family I spoke to as I greeted their profoundly disabled son told me of how they are so blessed by their child , how he has changed their lives forever.
I was reminded of this comment by Charles King:
A surgeon was having a conversation with his gardener about religion. 'I have cut into hundreds of bodies, he said, but have never seen a human soul.' 'Well,' said the gardener.' If you cut into a tulip bulb, you wouldn't have seen the flower.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ,